Types Of Network Topologies

Types Of Network Topologies

Types Of Network Topologies

Topology refers to a virtual layout or an arrangement of devices in the network so in order to establish a network. 

These are the five basic topologies: 

Bus topology 
Ring topology 
Star topology 
Tree topology 
Mesh topology 

Bus Topology: 

This is the topology which makes use of a backbone.
The backbone which is used is a cable wire.  
All the devices in the network make use of a single cable to communicate with each other. 
The main disadvantage of this technology or this topology is if this particular backbone is down then the entire network will down.
Types Of Network Topologies

Ring Topology:

That is all the devices in the network will be connected will be structured in a ring like form. 
It ring like structure that is all the devices will be having a two neighbors.
The main disadvantage of this topologies if a particular device goes down the entire network will be down. 
Types Of Network Topologies

Star Topology: 

In which all the devices in the network will be structured will be arranged as like a star and here hub is a device that is used to connect all the devices. 
The main disadvantage of this topology is if hub goes down the entire network will be down. 
Types Of Network Topologies

Tree (Hybrid) Topology: 

Its hybrid topology makes use of both bus and star topology, a consist of group of star coming configured workstation connected to a linear bus cable. 
The main advantage of this is if a particular hub goes down only the workstations that are connected to that particular hub will goes down. 
It's not as like the earlier we have seen but in case if the bus that's a backbone goes down then the entire network fall down. 
Types Of Network Topologies

Mesh Topology: 

It's much reliable.
All the devices will be interconnected to other devices. 
Every node not only send its own signal but also relates the data from other nodes it's more reliable.
Types Of Network Topologies