How to Install Kali Linux: Method 2 Kali Linux Live USB Persistent Data Drive (Kali Linux Persistence Mode)
Table of Content
Downloading Kali Linux ISO File
Downloading and Installation of Rufus Tool
Making Kali Linux Live USB Drive with Persistent Storage
Kali Linux Live Boot from USB Drive
Hello friends,
In this article we will cover about Kali Linux persistent Mode.
When you boot from Kali Linux live mode, after every reboot your saved data is lost and Kali Linux start/boot as fresh OS. (If you don’t know about how to make Kali Linux live USB drive then click here)
For overcome this issue Kali Linux developers make Live Persistence Mode.
In this mode after every boot your data will remain saved in drive and when you boot next it will be saved (like installed tools, downloaded files, and etc. all)
So now using this mode you can run Kali Linux as live with persistent data at anywhere, anytime and also able to boot from any other PC/Laptop.
Kali Linux ISO File
USB Drive/Pen drive (8GB Minimum & USB 3.0 Is Good If You Have)
Rufus Tool
Internet Connection
Brain (Most Important)
Downloading Kali Linux ISO File
Go to Kali Linux official website. (Official Kali Linux Website)
Choose Live ISO File for making Live using drive.
Confirm that your PC/laptop is runs on 32Bit or 64bit Operating System and Then choose ISO File for downloading.
If you don’t know how to check for that then simply click here (How to Check You PC/Laptop has 32bit or 64bit Operating System?)
Downloading Rufus Tool
Go to Rufus official website (Official Rufus Website)
Here you’ve two choice for downloading, installer & portable.
You can download any of them but I’m using portable because it doesn’t require installation.
Making Kali Linux Live USB Drive with Persistent Storage
Insert your pen drive to your computer.
Open Rufus Tool and you notice that Rufus tool automatically detect your pen drive.
Now select Kali Linux ISO File.
After select ISO File in Persistent Storage Size option appears
Select maximum size for persistence storage
Other any settings remain same, don’t change anything and simply click on write.
It is common that after reading above step you have a question in your mind about what is MBR/GPT and BIOS/UEFI.
For that (What is MBR and GPT?) and (What is BIOS/UEFI?) read these two articles, it’s really important to know.
Now Wait for some minutes because it takes some time depending on your PC and Pen drive Speed.
Booting from Pen drive
Now it’s time to boot from USB Pen drive.
For boot from USB drive you have to change some settings like disabling secure boot and set boot priority first to Pen drive (According to me boot priority/boot order setting doesn’t require because we can select Pen drive from our boot screen but secure boot is most important here)
For that (How to disable secure boot in PC/Laptop?) read this post.
Restart your PC/Laptop and boot from Pen drive so it will boot into Kali Linux.
In Kali Linux Menu choose Kali Live Persistence Mode option and hit enter.
Now you boot in Kali Linux persistence mode and now your data remain saved (like installing tools, downloading files, making folder etc. all) after every boot.
This feature is not in live mode so I make this post for you and I hope you like this
Now your USB/Pen drive is ready for boot from any PC/Laptop and also you can carry out this drive anywhere and run anytime on other PC/Laptop for working.
Thank You.
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