How to Speed ​​Up Blog Loading By Adding Expires Headers

How to Speed ​​Up Blog Loading By Adding Expires Headers - techfirex

How to Speed ​​Up Blog Loading By Adding Expires Headers

Expires Headers:

Leverage browser Expires Headers relating to web pages such as images, CSS, JavaScript, and so on.
So that when you re-open the same web page, the web page will open faster, because the file that originally had to be downloaded is now stored on the storage media.
Basically, leverage browser caching has a definition.
Set the expiration date in a static HTTP header.
Instructs the browser to load the source code that was previously downloaded on the storage media.
Caching functions to adjust the length of storage for files that have been downloaded when opening.

To be sure,
you can check the blog template first, beforehand please open the Gtmetrix page, enter your blog URL and see the results.
Usually, in Add Expires Headers, the value is red if the blog loading speed is slow.
So, to overcome this, you can add a script expires headers and place the code below just below the code <head> or &lt;head&gt;
<include expiration='7d' path='*.css'/>
<include expiration='7d' path='*.js'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.gif'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.jpeg'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.jpg'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.png'/>
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="sat, 02 jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT"/>
Preview your template first, 
If it's okay then click Save.
Then test your blog template back to the Gtmetrix page, and see the results.

Usually, the changes in the expires header in the Yslow section of the Gtmetrix page can be seen in the results a day later, but if the speed test of your blog has changed, it means that the process of adding scripts has been successful.