What is IP Address? Types Of IP Address - IPv4 and IPv6

What is IP Address? Types Of IP Address - IPv4 and IPv6

What is IP Address? Types Of IP Address - IPv4 and IPv6

IP Address:

An IP address is a numeric address. 
It's an identifier for a computer or device on a network.
Every device has to have an IP address for communication purposes.
The IP address consists of two parts, 
The first part is the network address and 
The second part is the host address 
Internet protocol has some rules and regulation according to that law IP can work.
The IP address is managed globally by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). 
There are also two types of IP addresses.
The first one is the most common one, it's called IPv4 and a second type is IPv6.

IP Address categories:

Private IP Address:
A private IP address is s non-internet facing IP address on an internal network.
Private IP address are provided network devices, such as routers,using network address translation(NAT)

Public IP Address:
A public IP address is an IP address that can accessed over the internet.

Loopback IP Address:
A loopback IP address is a special IP number ( that is designated for the software loopback interface of a machine. 

Types Of IP Addresses According to Connections:

Unicast IP Address:
An address of a single interface.
The IP addresses of this type are used for one-to-one communication.

Multicast IP Address:
It is used for one-to-many communication.
Multicast messages are sent to IP multicast group addresses.

Broadcast IP Addresses:
It is used to send data to all possible destinations in the broadcast domain (one-to-everybody communication).

Main Types Of IP Addresses:

IPv4 :
IPv4 is basically used for public need.
IPv4 is the current version of IP address.
It's a 32-bit numeric address written as 4 numbers separated by periods(.). 
Each group of numbers that are separated by periods is called an octet.
The number range in each octet is 0 to 255. 
This address version can produce over 4 billion unique addresses.
Its has basically 5 classes which are A,B,C,D,E,F.
IPv4 is in decimal number.
IPv4 example :

IPv6 :
When the internet was first developed programmers didn't realize how big it would become they thought at IPv4 which produced over 4 billion
addresses would be enough but they were wrong!
IPv6 is the next generation of IP addresses the main difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is the length of the address. 
The IPv4 address is a 32-bit numeric address whereas IPv6 is a 128-bit hexadecimal address.
Hexadecimal uses both numbers and alphabets in the address. 
IPv6 can produce an unbelievable 340 undecillion IP addresses that's the number 340 with 36 digits after it. 
IPv6 is more than enough for the foreseeable future.
IPv6 is basically used fo big organization.
IPv6 is a 128 bit hexadecimal address it's made up of 8 sets of 16 bits with the 8 sets separated by colons(:).
An IP address is a numeric address.   It's an identifier for a computer or device on a network.  Every device has to have an IP address for communication purposes.

In the world of computers and networks,( this type of IP address and this format is meaningless because computers and networks don't read IP addresses in this standard numeric format and that's because they only understand numbers in a binary format. 
A binary format is a number that only uses 1 and 0. 
The binary number for IP address is 01000010.01011110.00011101.00001101 this binary number is what computers and networking devices.

After reading this in your mind one question arises, how do we get the binary number from the IP address?

IP is made up of 4 sets of 8 binary bits and these sets are called octets.
The bits in each octet are represented by a number. 
Let's starting from the left, 
The first bit has a value of 128 then 64 then 32 and so on all the way down to one each bit on the octet can be either a 1 or a 0. 
If the number is a 1 then the number that it represents counts.
If the number is a 0 then the number that it represents does not count. 
So by banding the 1 and the 0 in the octet you can come up with a range from 0 to 255. 

For example, 
The first octet and IP address is 66 so how do we get a binary number out of 66.
First you look at the octet chart and you would put 1 under the numbers that would add up to the total of 66. 
you would put a 1 in the 64 slot so now you already have 64 so we need 2 more. 
Let's put in number 1 in the 2 slot. 
Now if we count all the numbers that we have ones underneath them you will get a total of 66 and all of the other bits would be 0 because we don't need to count them since we already have our number.
so here 01000010 is the binary bit version of 66.
Let's do the next number which is 94.
Put a 1 under 64, 16, 8, 4, & 2. 
If we were to add all the numbers that we have 1 underneath them we would get a total of 94 and since we don't want to count any of the other numbers we just put 0 under the rest.
So here 01011110 is the binary bit version of 94.
the next number is 29.
Let's put a 1 under 16, 8, 4, & 1 and when you add all the numbers up you get 29.
So here 00011101 is the binary bit version of 29.
our last number is 13.
Let's select 8 for 1 and when you add those up you get 13.
So here 00001101 is the binary bit version of 13.
An IP address is a numeric address.   It's an identifier for a computer or device on a network.  Every device has to have an IP address for communication purposes.

In a similar way that we converted an IPv4 address to a binary number. 
Now we convert a binary number to hexadecimal address in an IPv6.
each hexadecimal character represents 4 bits so we have to convert 4 bits at a time to get 1 hexadecimal character. 
Starting from the beginning, 
We convert the first 4 bits, against our 4-bit chart which includes an 8, 4, 2, and a 1. 
If we count the numbers that we have 1 underneath them you wind up with a 2.
So a 2 is the first hexadecimal character in this IPv6 address.
Let's do the next 4 bits and put those under our 4 bit chart.
If we count all the numbers that we have 1 underneath them we have a 4 and a 2 and if we add those up we get 6. 
So a 6 is the second hexadecimal character in this IP address
Our next set of 4 bits and if we add all the numbers that we have 1 underneath them we get a total of 13. 
But the problem is since 13 is a double-digit number. 
We cannot use a double-digit number to represent 4 bits and that's because in a hexadecimal format double-digit numbers have to be represented with a single alphabet which is A through F 
In this case we have to use another chart for any 4 bits that the sum is 10 or higher.  
if the sum was 10 then we would use the letter A or 
if the sum was 11 then we would use a B 
but in this case our sum is 13, so now for the third character in our binary number we would put a D.
In last character let's do the fourth set of bits and if we add those up we get 11 so we have a double-digit character again which means that we have to convert it to a single character alphabet so if we look at our chart.
here 11 converts to a B.
the first 16 bits of 0010 binary, IPv6 address converts to the hexadecimal address as 26DB.
and for all other 4 bit sets coverts like this and generates whole IPv6 hexadecimal address.
An IP address is a numeric address.   It's an identifier for a computer or device on a network.  Every device has to have an IP address for communication purposes.