How to install Kali Linux?

How to install Kali Linux?

Method 1. Kali Linux Live USB Pen drive (Kali Linux Live Mode/Live Boot)

Method 2. Kali Linux Live USB Persistent Data Drive (Kali Linux Persistence Mode)
Method 3. Installing Kali Linux On VirtualBox/VMWare Workstation

Method 4. Dual Boot Kali Linux Along with Windows 10/8/7

Method 5. Kali Linux as WSL (Windows Sub System) Feature on Windows 10 (WSL Command Line Mode)

Method 6. Kali Linux as WSL 2 Feature on Windows 10 (WSL 2 Supports GUI Kali Linux)

Method 7. Installing Kali Linux On External Hard Drive (HDD/SSD) or Pen drive

Method 8. Installing Kali Linux On Internal Hard Disk (HDD)/ Normal Installation/ Direct Installation/ Graphical Installation

As you shown in table of content, we will cover all method of Kali Linux installation step by step with complete conceptual guide, so in future you do not get any type of error in installation.